The Gentle Cesarean
In graduate school for anesthesia, I did one of my large projects on the topic of the Gentle Cesarean. I presented the topic at multiple conferences to rooms of people who were a little confused about why this was an anesthesia topic. The truth is that every person in the room for a cesarean needs to be on board for an idea like this in order for it to work. It can also be any member of the birth team that pitches this idea and gets buy in from the rest of the team. Often, the person pitching this idea will be the patient. Below, I have included the major concepts for a Gentle Cesarean, why this method is important, and how you can talk to your provider about this birth option. This is a pretty academic post since it is mostly made of a graduate paper. Feel free to leave any questions or check the references at the bottom for more information. What is a Gentle Cesarean? Vaginal birth offers benefits to the mother and baby that cesarean births do not innatel...