Gender Fixing: How to Have a Baby of a Desired Sex
It is ironic that a woman with four sons and only one daughter would write a post about how to have a girl baby. This post could also be titled "How to Have a Baby Boy". I learned everything possible on the topic of gender fixing/gender swaying when I was preparing to get pregnant with baby number three. I had two sons born by cesarean and I thought this might by my last baby. I really wanted a girl. I read lots of wives tales about how to prepare your body to gave a baby girl:
- eat lots of sweets (if I must...)
- have sex on a full moon, outside is best (like normal people)
- be relaxed (I'm historically so good at that)
As awesome as these tips were, I wanted to see if there was anything scientific to swaying the sex of the baby. That was how I found the Shettles Method. You can read the whole book here. Quick recap on how a baby's sex is determined:
- we each carry two sex chromosomes
- we get one from each parent
- we automatically get an X from our mother
- our father gives us either an X (creating a baby girl XX) or a Y (creating a boy, XY)
The Shettles Method involves creating an environment in the body that will be more hospitable for the the male sperm (if you want a boy) or the female sperm (if you want a girl). Here are the traits of the male sperm (androsperm) according to Shettles:
- large round heads
- fast swimmers
- live about 24 hours
- prefer alkaline environments (like the cervix)
And female sperm (gymnosperm):
- oval heads
- slower swimmers
- can live up to 5 days
- prefer acidic environments (like the vagina)
To make a boy baby:
- Douche (notes below): 2 tbsp baking soda to 1 qt water
- Don't have sex until the day you ovulate and for a couple days after
- Position: Doggie style (is there a scientific way to say this?) to deposit the sperm around the alkaline cervix
- Female orgasm: have one before make orgasm to create an even more alkaline environment
- Diet High in Sodium and Potassium
- Diet Low in Magnesium and Calcium
To make a girl baby:
- Douche (notes below): 2 tbsp white vinegar to 1 qt water
- Start having daily sex after you stop your period and stop two to three days before you ovulate
- Position: Shallow missionary so sperm can swim through the acidic vaginal canal
- Female Orgasm: either wait until well after make orgasm or just skip it
- Diet High in Magnesium and Calcium
- Diet Low in Sodium and Potassium
Shettles reports an 80% success rate. It worked for me. I only did it with my daughter and I have four sons. I think I might have five if I hadn't used the Shettles method. The internet can't decide if they like Shettles or not. I have decided to like it. I also used nutritional gender swaying which uses similar rationale about sperm traits and encourages the creation of the selected sex using nutrition. I included their tidbits in the above lists. A website for more information is here.
**Notes on Douching (what a fun mommy blog topic)**
Douching isn't as common now as it was in Shettles' time. Douching involves washing the inside of the vagina with some kind of liquid. Women used to do it pretty often because they didn't want to smell bad. We now know that doing that actually disrupts the healthy vaginal flora that keeps us smelling good. So we don't generally do it anymore. For this purpose, soaking a tampon in the recommended liquid and leaving it in for thirty minutes before each sexual encounter will do the trick.
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